The following brochures may be viewed and printed using Adobe Acrobat Reader, available for download free from Brochure files may be saved by right-clicking link and selecting Save As.

Anxiety – This brochure describes the various types of Anxiety Disorders and lists the symptoms associated with each one. An overview of treatment, as well as therapeutic techniques that are often employed, is also provided.
Child & Adolescent Anxiety – This brochure describes the various types of anxiety common in children and the efficacy of Cogntivie Therapy as a treatment approach.
Cognitive Therapy – This brochure provides the reader with a basic understanding of Cognitive Therapy and its various applications. Results of research studies indicating its effectiveness, as well as advantages of Cognitive Therapy over other types of therapy are also discussed.
Depression – This brochure describes the typical warning signs of depression. It also outlines how Cognitive Therapy can be used to help alleviate these symptoms and help lower the risk of future occurrences.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder – A case illustration of an individual suffering from OCD is provided. Common obsessions and compulsions are listed, as well as a summary of the major treatment components.
Panic Attacks – A case illustration of an individual suffering from Panic Disorder is depicted for the reader. Symptoms of panic attacks, a description of agoraphobia, and an overview of the course of Cognitive Therapy are also included.
Sexual Disorders – This brochure describes the various types of sexual problems that affect both men and woman. Readers are provided with guidelines as to signs that clinical treatment may be indicated, as well with an overview on how Cognitive Therapy can help individuals suffering from these problems.
Coping with Infertility – This brochure describes common reactions to infertility, one of the most distressing life crises a couple can experience. It also provides and overview of the benefits of counseling for both individuals and couples.